Title: Then, They Were Crows
Genre: Fantasy
Audience: Young Adult (YA)
What if a dream showed a fate worse than death?
18-year-old Larissa's dreams show her events. Sometimes what's happening at that moment and other times of a future event.
When a dream shows a nearby village devoid of people and another of crows attacking, she feels it's only a matter of time before her village is emptied too.
She sets out alone to discover the secret behind the missing people, the crows, and her ability to dream, but little does she know there is an evil creature waiting to steal from her too.
Because he doesn't just empty villages, he steals the souls of the people to ensure he will live on and a blessed soul is a powerful one to have,
Larissa must find a way to take down the soul stealer before he claims hers.
Release Date: 6th June 2024
Publisher: Miraworth Books
ISBN (ebook): 978-0-6453270-9-0
ISBN (paperback): 978-0-6458856-2-0
Language: English
Cover by: Miraworth Designs
Language: none
Sexual content: none
Keywords: dreams, coming-of-age