Title: Key to a Kingdom
Genre: Fantasy
Audience: Young Adult (YA)
Escaping the crown will prove more complicated than she thought.
Milla's family had waited for the moment the crown prince would chose a bride. Their family held one of the keys and whichever lady opened the box was destined to be queen.
Milla has no desire to find out if her key will unlock a box. She has no interest in being queen or married to someone she's never met. On the night of the ceremony she slips away determined to forge her own life away from the royals and her family.
But leaving the castle might have been easy but with royal guards searching for the missing key and it's lady she accepts her from a stranger who is running from them too. Without much of a plan, Milla finds herself reliant on strangers to keep her concealed with a promise they will get her to safety.
Just when Milla thinks she has a chance at forging her own life, secrets from her family are revealed and choices must be made.
Release Date: TBA 2023
Publisher: Miraworth Books
ISBN (ebook):
ISBN (paperback):
Language: English
Cover Design: Andrea Fodor / CReya-tive
Language: none
Sexual content: none
Keywords: romance, magic, love, fantasy, duty, friendship, trust